
String Avenue Competition 2025

Henryk Wieniawski Edition



<Solo Violin, Cello, Viola, Contrabass>

Junior Division

Round One Fee: USD 120
Final Round fee: 80 USD

Group A: 5-6 years old
Group B: 7 years old
Group C: 8 years old
Group D: 9 years old
Group E: 10 years old

*Two Rounds:
Choice of any piece. Recording no longer than 7 minutes. Same piece can be performed in both rounds.

<Young Artist>

Round One Fee: USD 130
Final Round fee: 80 USD

Group F: 11 years old
Group G: 12 years old
Group H: 13 years old 
Group I:
14-15 years old 
Group J:
16 years old 
Group K:
17-18 years old

Two Rounds: Same piece can be performed in both rounds.
Recording no longer than 10 minutes.


Round One Fee: USD 150
Final Round fee: 100 USD

Group L-1: 19-27 years old,
university student

Round One: one movement of concertos or sonatas
Final Round: around 15 minutes programs

(one movement of sonata or concerto with one free choice. Same piece from Round One may be included)

Group L-2: 28-33 years old,

Round One: one movement of concertos or sonatas
Final Round: around 17 minutes programs (Can include same piece from the Round One)

<Amateur Group>

Round One Fee: USD 130
Final Round fee: 80 USD

Group M: over 19 years old
People who haven’t studied music as a major, earned money from teaching music, or are music majors not teaching or earning income from music-related fields.

Two Rounds: Same piece can be performed in both rounds.
One or two free choice of music (3 min-10 min)

<Chamber: Duo, Trio, Quartet, Quintet>

Piano Trio, quartet, quintet

String duo, trio, quartet, quintet

<Junior Division> (Duo/Trio/Quartet only)

Fee per Team:
Round One: Duo – USD 150, Trio – USD 210, Quartet – USD 240
Final round: Duo – USD 100, Trio – USD 150, Quartet – USD 200

Group A: 5-6 years old
Group B: 7 years old
Group C: 8 years old
Group D: 9 years old
Group E: 10 years old

Two Rounds: Choice of any piece. Same piece can be performed in both rounds.
The piece should be no longer than 5 min.

<Young Artist>

Fee per Team:
Round One: Duo-USD 160, Trio – USD 240, Quartet – USD 300
Final round: Duo-USD 100, Trio – USD 150, Quartet – USD 200


Group F: 11 years old
Group G: 12 years old
Group H: 13 years old
Group I:
14-15 years old
Group J:
16 years old 
Group K:
17-18 years old

Two Rounds: Choice of any piece. Same piece can be performed in both rounds.
The piece should be no longer than 9 min.


Fee per Team:
Round One: Duo-USD 180, Trio- USD 260,  Quartet-USD 350, Quintet – USD 380

Final round: Duo-USD 120, Trio – USD 160, Quartet-USD 200, Quintet – USD  220


Group L-1: 19-27 years old, University student

Two Rounds:
Two movements from any chamber work from any period of music or program of around 12 min.
Same or different pieces can be performed in both Rounds.

Group L-2: 28-33 years old

Two Rounds:
One complete work of any chamber work from any period of music or program over 15 min.
Same or different pieces can be performed in both Rounds.

<Amateur Group>

Fee per Team:
Round One: Duo – USD 160, Trio – USD 240, Quartet – USD 300, 
Final round: Duo – USD 100, Trio – USD 150, Quartet – USD 200, 

Age: 19 to no age limit – one round only

Group M: 19 years old and above

Any person who did not study music major at the university and has not earned money from music teaching.

Two Rounds:
One or two free choices of music (3min-12 min)
(One movement can be chosen from the multi movement work)
Same or different pieces can be performed in both Rounds.

Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass,
Winners Concert Opportunity with Orchestra *
*additional fees apply

  • Junior Division: One movement of a concerto, including the cadenza, should be played with a piano accompanist or recorded accompaniment.
    • Groups:
      • Group A (Ages 5-6)
      • Group B (Ages 7-8)
      • Group C (Ages 9-10)
    • Round One: $120
    • Final Round: $80
  • Young Artist Division: One movement of a concerto, including the cadenza, should be played with a piano accompanist or recorded accompaniment.
    • Group D (Ages 11-12)
    • Group E (Ages 13-14)
    • Group F (Ages 15-16)
    • Group G (Ages 17-18)
    • Round One: $130
    • Final Round: $80
  • Professional Division (Ages 19-33): Two contrasting movements of a concerto
    • Group L (Ages 19-33)

    • Round One: $150
    • Final Round: $100

<Violin/Viola/Cello/Double Bass: Stardardized Category>

Participants may also apply for other categories including solo or chamber.
Separate registration is required for each category.
Only one round


Group A, B, C, D, E : USD 130
Group F, G, H : USD 140
Group I : USD 150 


Group A:
any one or two pieces from ABRSM or Trinity syllabus of grade 1. No longer than 7min.
* this is a competition category, not an actual exam.

Group B:
any one or two pieces from ABRSM or Trinity syllabus of grade 2. No longer than 7min.
* this is a competition category, not an actual exam.

Group C:
any one or two pieces from ABRSM or Trinity syllabus of grade 3. No longer than 7min.
* this is a competition category, not an actual exam.

Group D:
any one or two pieces from ABRSM or Trinity syllabus of grade 4. No longer than 7min.
* this is a competition category, not an actual exam.

Group E:
any one or two pieces from ABRSM or Trinity syllabus of grade 5. No longer than 7min.
* this is a competition category, not an actual exam.

Group F:
any one or two pieces from ABRSM or Trinity syllabus of grade 6. No longer than 9min.
* this is a competition category, not an actual exam.

Group G:
any one or two pieces from ABRSM or Trinity syllabus of grade 7. No longer than 9min.
* this is a competition category, not an actual exam.

Group H:
any one or two pieces from ABRSM or Trinity syllabus of grade 8. No longer than 9min.
* this is a competition category, not an actual exam.

Group I: Diploma:
any one or two pieces from ABRSM or Trinity syllabus of Diploma grade. No longer than 11 min.
* this is a competition category, not an actual exam.


92 score to 98 score: Gold Prize

87 score to 91 score: Silver Prize

80 score to 86 score: Bronze Prize

Below 80 score: Participate Certificate

String Avenue

Musical Encounters
